About your Economics Tutor
Romeo Salla completed Honours and Masters degrees in Commerce (Economics major) at the University of Melbourne before moving to Canberra to work as an Economist with the Commonwealth Department of Treasury. After a few years he was promoted within the federal bureaucracy to the position of Senior Economist with the Industry Commission (now Productivity Commission). Since 1996 he was employed as a Senior Teacher and Head of Faculty at large private schools in Melbourne for 18 years, most recently teaching VCE and IB Economics at Geelong Grammar School. He has held positions of responsibility with the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) as an examination assessor since 1996 and was the long standing Economics editor on the VCTA website (ComNET). Mr Salla is also the creator of the popular smartphone app ‘economicstutor’, has contributed to various publications and regularly presents to economics teachers and students on behalf of both CPAP and the VCTA. Romeo is the author of the CPAP Study Guide to VCE Economics, co-author of Monumental Humanities 3 (Cambridge), and co-author of the VCE Economics texts ‘Economic Fundamentals in Australia’ and ‘Economics: from the ground up’. He is also the writer of CPAP Economics assessment tasks and the practice examinations.
Course content: quick navigation
- Introductory concepts
- Market mechanism
- Elasticities
- Market structures
- Market Failures
- Macro economic activity/eco growth
- Inflation
- Employment & unemployment
- External Stability
- Income distribution
- Factors affecting economy
- Fiscal/Budgetary policy
- Monetary Policy
- Aggregate Supply Policies
- The Policy Mix
- Tutorials/Programs
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